Minggu, 18 Januari 2015

[L285.Ebook] Ebook Download Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA

Ebook Download Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA

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Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA

Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA

Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA

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Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA

A comprehensive, multi-disciplinary, multi-authored guide to contemporary Jewish life and thought, focusing on social, cultural and historical aspects of Judaism alongside theological issues. This volume includes 38 newly-commissioned essays, including contributions from leading specialists in their fields. This book covers the major areas of thought in contemporary Jewish Studies, including considerations of religious differences, sociological, philosophical, and gender issues, geographical diversity, inter-faith relations, and the impact of the Shoah and the modern state of Israel.

Readership: Suitable for all undergraduate students studying Modern Judaism. Also for the general reader looking for a comprehensive guide to Modern Judaism.

  • Sales Rank: #2395628 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Oxford University Press, USA
  • Published on: 2005-03-17
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.40" h x 1.10" w x 9.60" l, 1.90 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 472 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author

Nicholas De Lange is Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. He is also a Fellow of Wolfson College and Director of Studies for Gonville and Caius College. His research interests include medieval Hebrew literature and manuscripts, contemporary Jewish theology and Jewish-Christian relations. Following a Research Fellowship in the Faculty of Divinity at University of Cambridge, Miri Freud-Kandel moved to Oxford to take up a lectureship in Modern Judaism and a Junior Research Fellowship at Wolfson College. Her research interests include the theological development of Orthodox Judaism, particularly in Britain.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Sean Heid
This is a must-have to gain a succinct understanding of modern Judaism. It is very comprehensive, and it does a quite decent job of explaining Jewish spiritual and intellectual traditions. I was also surprised to find that the sections on religious differences, geographical diversity, and gender issues were exceptionally well written.

See all 1 customer reviews...

Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA PDF
Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA EPub
Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA Doc
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Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA Kindle

[L285.Ebook] Ebook Download Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA Doc

[L285.Ebook] Ebook Download Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA Doc

[L285.Ebook] Ebook Download Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA Doc
[L285.Ebook] Ebook Download Modern Judaism: An Oxford GuideFrom Brand: Oxford University Press, USA Doc

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